
Posts Tagged ‘news’

Quickie: Couple minutes with Internet Explorer 10.0

November 23rd, 2012 No comments

Three days ago I installed Internet Explore 10.0 on my Windows 7 SP1. I downloaded it from here.

Internet Explorer 10

Internet Explorer 10

After couple seconds I found out only little changes. Design of buttons changes little bit. Also design of check boxes.

After couple minutes I found following new things:

Text box change

Now you can delete content of text box in one click. Clicking by X on the end of the box:

Delete text box

Delete text box

Password box change

On password box you can see what’s under stars:

Password password in box

Hidden password in box

Show password in box

Show password in box

Easy copy and paste

When you select text and pictures in IE 10.0, you can drag and drop it into some application (e.g. Word, Outlook, …). This is very neat and cool.


My personal feeling is that webpages are displayed much faster than before, but this can be just feeling 🙂