I had weird problem today. Customer called that GPO I have created to set Proxy server for Internet Explorer doesn’t work anymore on Windows 7. He was right. There was Internet Explorer 10 installed on Windows 7. Proxy configuration was made by Internet Explorer Maintenance:

This was not applied on Windows 7 Internet Explore 10, even there was eventlog it should be applied. Then I set these settings using GPO Preferences. I could create settings just for IE 5,6,7 and 8:

I have decided to create settings using Internet Explorer 8. I set all settings I wanted and saved GPO:

Nothing happened. It’s because this settings are limited to Internet Explorer 8.0. So we need to dig into XML file which handles these settings. XML file InternetSettings.xml is located at \\DOMAIN\SYSVOL\DOMAIN\Policies\{76C1E5D1-9CA6-4682-AD41-FD038DDED1E9}\User\Preferences\InternetSettings. When you open this file you can see XML file with all settings. There is one attribute called MAX which defines on which version these settings are applied. I changed it to value “” and now everything works:

What a stupid work around 🙂
I built RDS farm (Windows 2008 R2) at one of our customer. Customer has his own website where he has links to Excel files on some share. When some user tries to open file from this website he gets following question:

This is normal behaviour. So let’s press Open and we get following error (The file you are downloading cannot be opened by the default program. It is either corrupted or it has an incorrect file type…):

This says that default program is corrupted or it has incorrect file type. Huh? Excel is working fine and also it’s opening files 🙂 So you can Save file and then open it. Then it works fine.
So I started to google and I found one Microsoft KB article, where problem is described. There is also hotfix to download, but there is no hotfix for Windows Server 2008 R2. 🙂 Luckily there is also workaround specified. You can either save file first and then open (which is what we don’t want) or you can tweak registry keys as described in article:

When I implemented this registry tweaks everything works like it should. I’m happy they also posted Workaround and not just Hotfixes.
Have a nice day,
Three days ago I installed Internet Explore 10.0 on my Windows 7 SP1. I downloaded it from here.

Internet Explorer 10
After couple seconds I found out only little changes. Design of buttons changes little bit. Also design of check boxes.
After couple minutes I found following new things:
Text box change
Now you can delete content of text box in one click. Clicking by X on the end of the box:

Delete text box
Password box change
On password box you can see what’s under stars:

Hidden password in box

Show password in box
Easy copy and paste
When you select text and pictures in IE 10.0, you can drag and drop it into some application (e.g. Word, Outlook, …). This is very neat and cool.
My personal feeling is that webpages are displayed much faster than before, but this can be just feeling 🙂
One of our customer just released the beauty and power of GPO. They started to use it more and more. Couple days ago they set brand new GPO with following settings:
- Proxy IP was set with port 3128 for all protocols
- Exceptions for couple websites and local addresses

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