Exchange problem after 1/1/2022
Today I wanted to have day off, but customers with Exchange environments (2013/2016 and 2019) started to have a problem with e-mails delivery. They have started to receive following error in event viewer:

This event started to show couple minutes after 1.1.2022.
Messages stucked at queue and with error “Message deferred by categorized agent”:

So Antimalware has problem with date “22010100009” and error says it’s “too long”. It looks like Microsoft programmers use to record date 32b numbers and now this value is over variable limits. I think there is will hotfix pretty soon. Until hotfix we need to solve a problem. I just disabled Antimalware engine running following powershell script:
& $env:ExchangeInstallPath\Scripts\Disable-AntimalwareScanning.ps1
and restart MSExchangeTransport service afterwards:
Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport
And that’s all folks 🙂
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