We had some problems with backup system backing up Windows Server 2012 deduplication enabled volumes. We decided to disable Data Deduplication on volume. After volume was converted back into “non data deduplication mode”, we found out that all Shadow Copies meta data was lost. It means all “Previous Versions” were lost. I really don’t see any reason to act like that, but there is probably some. It would be great if Windows warns you before you do the change. But it doesn’t 🙂
Have a nice day,
I had weird problem today. Customer called that GPO I have created to set Proxy server for Internet Explorer doesn’t work anymore on Windows 7. He was right. There was Internet Explorer 10 installed on Windows 7. Proxy configuration was made by Internet Explorer Maintenance:

This was not applied on Windows 7 Internet Explore 10, even there was eventlog it should be applied. Then I set these settings using GPO Preferences. I could create settings just for IE 5,6,7 and 8:

I have decided to create settings using Internet Explorer 8. I set all settings I wanted and saved GPO:

Nothing happened. It’s because this settings are limited to Internet Explorer 8.0. So we need to dig into XML file which handles these settings. XML file InternetSettings.xml is located at \\DOMAIN\SYSVOL\DOMAIN\Policies\{76C1E5D1-9CA6-4682-AD41-FD038DDED1E9}\User\Preferences\InternetSettings. When you open this file you can see XML file with all settings. There is one attribute called MAX which defines on which version these settings are applied. I changed it to value “” and now everything works:

What a stupid work around 🙂
When you install Exchange in environment you want to allow users to log into mails using their e-mail address. If your domain name is different from your e-mail domain, you have to add UPN suffix first. More abour it HERE. Then you need to change User Principal Name into Primary SMTP Address. I wrote little script to do so:
Get-Mailbox |
Write-Host “For: ” + $_.SamAccountName
Write-Host ” – change UPN from: ” + $_.UserPrincipalName + ” to: ” + $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
Set-ADUser -Identity $_.DistinguishedName -UserPrincipalName $_.PrimarySmtpAddress
Have a nice day,
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